Our Heart Warriors
Meet Aaron

Aaron was born on September 4, 2012. He was perfect! We did not know that anything was wrong until his pediatrician heard a small murmur and wanted us to go get an echocardiogram on his heart. On October 25, 2012, I went to Loma Linda alone thinking that there was nothing wrong and when I left the hospital that day our whole world was turned upside down. Aaron was diagnosed with double outlet right ventricle (DORV). He would have to have surgery quickly. On November 30, 2012 Aaron would have his first surgery to patch up a large hole and make sure that his arteries were now going into the correct sides of his heart. Seeing him hooked up to all of the machines after surgery was so difficult. He was released two days after surgery. He recovered so well. He grew and was always so happy. At his one year check up we were told that Aaron was going to have to have another surgery. Scar tissue had grown around the patch that was placed in his heart and it would need to be removed. So almost a year after his first surgery Aaron would head back in to do it all again. After this surgery Aarons heart went into total heart block. His heart rhythms were off and we would need to wait to see if they would return back to normal on their own. If they would not go back Aaron would have to have a permanent pace maker placed on his heart. We were in the hospital for days waiting to see if something would happen. On November 24, 2013 my husband and I watched as our sons heart started rapidly beating and skipping beats. We did not know what was happening, we just knew that we were scared. The nurses came in and reviewed his monitor and told us that his heart had went back to beating normally on its own. It was truly a miracle that God allowed us to witness. Two days later we were able to take our boy home. We spent Thanksgiving alone at our house that year, but it was by far the best because we had a lot to be thankful for. Aaron is now considered “fixed” and you would never know that he has been through two open heart surgeries. He is smart, funny and has a lot of energy. He has welcomed a heart healthy sister into his life and he loves her so much. We are so thankful for this amazing boy that God has allowed us to be parents to. He has changed our lives and we are so thankful to be parents of such an awesome little warrior.
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(909) 922-2772